Consequence (Feat. Asher Roth) - Childish Games

Enjoy The Fruits Of My Labor; And If Not Then Go Eat A Poison Apple And THANKS FOR NOTHING.


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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The things we do to call out.

Got damn what is wrong with people these days. This nigga can't fake cough. Smdh.

The Denver Post reports that one man was actually willing to harm himself physically.

29-year-old Aaron Siebers walked into work at Blockbuster Video Monday night with a deep stab wound in his leg along with several other superficial knife wounds. He told his boss that he had been stabbed by three men dressed in black then reported it to the police.

Five police agencies and a K-9 unit formed a manhunt to search for the suspects. Detectives also interviewed Siebers and reviewed videos from a nearby Target's surveillance cameras. Unfortunately for Siebers, the footage showed him walking from his bus stop to the store with no indication of an injury.

After further questioning, Siebers finally confessed that he actually had stabbed himself because he didn't want to go to work. He was arrested and charged with two misdemeanors -- false reporting and obstructing a police officer.

The moral of the story according to the Police Department's spokesperson "If you are going to concoct a story about being stabbed, don't do it near a Target store."

Such an Idiot! SMH LOL

What crazy things have you done to get out of work? Share in the comments below.

Thanks for Nothing.

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